Are you hoping to graduate from college and be immediately able to enter a career with a high salary? This is a common desire from someone with a college degree. Instead of going to college for subjects you have an interest in, you may simply want to ensure job security and salary. There are a few promising majors that may help you accomplish this.
The top major for achieving a high salary is engineering. Again and again, these graduates are appearing at the top of the list for entry-level salaries. Out of the engineering majors, petroleum engineering ranks at the top, with salaries around $90,000 right out of college. Aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, and electrical engineering closely follow. It appears that engineering, in general, is just a very lucrative career to enter.
An interest in physics can guarantee you big bucks with a degree in it. Closely following engineering degrees, a degree in physics sends graduates into a workforce willing to pay over $50,000 from the start. In addition, this is a field that is rapidly growing, so many jobs are available. Those who enter research, development, and other important positions for physics majors can plan on doubling their pay by mid-career.
If you are good with numbers and do well in economics, a major in it might do you some good. A major in economics consistently provides graduates with salaries over $48,000. In addition, by mid-career, they could be making over $97,000. This is an enormous increase in pay, but it is possible with a degree in economics because it is very useful in both government sectors and business; both desire experts who can predict economic trends.
One great choice of major that provides not only a large entry-level salary but a huge pool of available jobs is computer science. Those with computer knowledge are highly desired due to our huge technological focus, and thus, they are paid well - often over $56,000 right after college. By the time they reach mid-career, those with computer science degrees can receive salaries well above $96,000.
Finance degrees may provide graduates with excitingly high salaries. Consider the pay for these graduates right out of college; it is $47,500. After many years in the field, these veteran experts can receive salaries nearing $91,500. These careers are frequently located in financial institutions, such as credit companies and commercial banks, and other businesses as investment managers and financial analysts.
Architecture majors are coming out ahead in salary, if not as much as engineers are, but enough to get excited about. They enter the field as architects for about $41,000 and can expect to increase their salaries over time to as high as $80,000. Employment for architects is positive right now; architects are needed to satisfy demand for "green" building, as well as the need for new structures to accommodate a growing population.
The top major for achieving a high salary is engineering. Again and again, these graduates are appearing at the top of the list for entry-level salaries. Out of the engineering majors, petroleum engineering ranks at the top, with salaries around $90,000 right out of college. Aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, and electrical engineering closely follow. It appears that engineering, in general, is just a very lucrative career to enter.
An interest in physics can guarantee you big bucks with a degree in it. Closely following engineering degrees, a degree in physics sends graduates into a workforce willing to pay over $50,000 from the start. In addition, this is a field that is rapidly growing, so many jobs are available. Those who enter research, development, and other important positions for physics majors can plan on doubling their pay by mid-career.
If you are good with numbers and do well in economics, a major in it might do you some good. A major in economics consistently provides graduates with salaries over $48,000. In addition, by mid-career, they could be making over $97,000. This is an enormous increase in pay, but it is possible with a degree in economics because it is very useful in both government sectors and business; both desire experts who can predict economic trends.
One great choice of major that provides not only a large entry-level salary but a huge pool of available jobs is computer science. Those with computer knowledge are highly desired due to our huge technological focus, and thus, they are paid well - often over $56,000 right after college. By the time they reach mid-career, those with computer science degrees can receive salaries well above $96,000.
Finance degrees may provide graduates with excitingly high salaries. Consider the pay for these graduates right out of college; it is $47,500. After many years in the field, these veteran experts can receive salaries nearing $91,500. These careers are frequently located in financial institutions, such as credit companies and commercial banks, and other businesses as investment managers and financial analysts.
Architecture majors are coming out ahead in salary, if not as much as engineers are, but enough to get excited about. They enter the field as architects for about $41,000 and can expect to increase their salaries over time to as high as $80,000. Employment for architects is positive right now; architects are needed to satisfy demand for "green" building, as well as the need for new structures to accommodate a growing population.
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